Diacore Concrete Cutting Ltd recognises the fact that our employees are our greatest asset in making Diacore Concrete Cutting Ltd a successful, thriving business. It is our policy to develop our staff and provide training specific to their needs and to ensure they are fully trained and equipped to deliver the high standards of work that Diacore Concrete Cutting has become recognised for.
At Diacore Concrete Cutting Ltd we recognise the importance of loyalty, commitment and flexibility in all our employees in the continued success of our business. Our employees are not just a resource but are undeniably a major component of our success.
Our recruitment policy ensures the development and retention of our team and ensures they have the necessary technical skills to provide a quality service to our clients.
Diacore Concrete Cutting Ltd offers competitive remuneration packages and real career development opportunities with an emphasis on learning development and support.
Diacore Concrete Cutting Limited is committed to offering our employees a fulfilling and challenging career in which we share equal opportunities in an environment free of discrimination, victimisation and bullying.
Diacore Concrete Cutting Ltd’s objective is to eliminate unfair discrimination and to ensure that our employees are treated fairly and with respect.
Diacore Concrete Cutting Ltd is an equal opportunities employer: Diacore Concrete Cutting Ltd operates an Equal Opportunities Policy which means that we will not discriminate, directly or indirectly, against people on the grounds of their sex or sexual orientation or on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic origin or religious belief, on the grounds of disability or former disability or on the grounds of age. Diacore Concrete Cutting Ltd will not discriminate in advertising or selecting, or in offering training or benefits and services. Every temporary work assignment or permanent employment vacancy will be open to those who have the required qualifications and skills.

Current Vacancies:
We currently have no employment vacancies at Diacore Concrete Cutting Ltd. However, if you would like to send us your CV we would be happy to keep your details on file for our next employment vacancy. Please send your CV to Anne.